BandVanAdventures VIII: Mojo Rising (Week Two)

Well Moab was cool.  Always is.  Made the late night trip most of the way towards the next gig and hit a rest stop to grab some sleep.  Up bright and early for a fun filled day!  Cruised into Westminster college for the lunch gig and had some fun.  Lots of people were digging it.  Even got a tip from one of the cafeteria workers.  That was very cool.  It's kind of peculiar how I look at the relative success of what I do.  After every show I always get several comments from people about the looping, the show, my playing.  But I still at CD/MP3 sales, the tip jar and consider the applause.  But I'm not really in a "music" venue.  Just a lot of places that do other things and have music.  So it's not like the audience is supposed to clap.  Then it's always tough to engage them with the stories about the songs and really present the material because there's not a lot of response.  Until the shows over...then everybody digs it.  It's weird.  I'm trying to remember that people are listening, they are engaged, they are enjoying it.  It does make it a littler easier.  For instance, the next night I was in a tiny room - very difficult to play. But I just concentrated hard on keeping it musical with solid grooves and appropriate for the setting.  Ended up doing great in tips and CD sales; but the audience was also very engaged. All part of the job... gig was fun. Wrapped it up and headed down to Creekside in SLC for a little disc golf.  First 18 basket round in over a year.  I did well!   Only one double boogie, and about an even number of pars and boogies.  Park was in great shape, the weather was perfect, it was an awesome day.  Hooked up with a local (self-described ski-bum) for the round and had a nice game.  Really was awesome.  Looking forward to another round today in Twin Falls!

After the 18 holes, met an old friend from Portland (who now lives in SLC) for dinner.  Had some crazy cheese salad for dinner that was awesome.  Spent a couple hours chatting and swapping horror stories about mechanical issues on cars.  They love Salt Lake City.  Good weather, nice people, low crime, booming economy, hiking, fishing, clean, polite, etc... went to a bar to check out a jam session, but they got started around 10ish and I wasn't in the mood by then.  Just drove to my next stop and called it an early night.  Next morning was Vivint.  That was a very fun lunch gig.  People really enjoyed it, had a couple of nice conversations, sold a couple CDs. Always a good thing.  Hopped in the van and off to Lava Hot Springs for the evening gig!

Got in a little early, set-up the gear and took a hot shower.  Went down for a pre-concert beer and a shot and proceeded to rock an empty room for the next hour.  Came back after a break and the dinner room was full.  Well...two hours and one very short break later, a nice tip jar and a fine slice of elk with fried kale were mine to enjoy.  That food was soooo good.  Packed up, chatted with the chef while he cleaned up and headed over for the jam session. The usual suspects were there and we proceed to get down with rock, country, pop, metal, and blues.  And of course, free drinks.  Hit the hotel late, slept in a little and off to Twin Falls for the Friday night gig.  Need to get some work done so I hit the starbucks for some online time before a little play time at the local disc golf course. 

As I reflect upon the trip, my life, the future whilst driving.  (I just hit 2,000 miles - I reflect like mirror).  I think about all the people that I meet and get to know a little.  Take Lava Hot Springs - I know a chunk of the people in that town. It's really cool to walk in the bar and the staff recognize you (some even remember my name), welcome you in and then we get the party rolling.  I always have a great time when I'm there.  I play a lot of music, chat with some fine human beings, get a comfy bed, a fantastic hot meal, a nice little paycheck and hang out.  Mucho Bueno!  

I am enjoying the drive quite a bit as well.  I find SE Idaho to be particularly interesting this time.  Make me look forward to driving the gorge on Monday.  It'll be nice to not do that at night this year.  And I'll get to do it twice this trip!

Enjoying the radio stations in the various cities quite a bit as well.  Good music is everywhere. 

Starting to get a little nervous about the loopfests though.  It's about that a little work to do on it this weekend and then it's email promotion time.  Yee-haw buddy.  It's going to be crazy.