April 14

You know - I really wanted to be making entries more often.  But there's been so much going on I haven't had the time to write it.  The website is ever expanding.  New pages for artists, more content, updated content.  Loopfest's are coming along. Austin loopfest is booked at The Brass House, which I'm stoked for.  Great venue.  Totally thrilled to have it.  Booking a couple more acts for the loopfests in San Antonio and Austin.  I should be hearing from the city this week if San Antonio is going to bring my loopfest into Luminaria.  Crossing my fingers for that one.  Got Emmett's CD "Them Poetry Blues" in the mail to 90 stations around the U.S. and 10 magazines.  Signed a new band - Villela, pretty hot stuff.  Been getting a bunch of video shot and posted on my youtube channel and website, doing some shows, jamming with some bands.  Staying on top of everything really.  All my "hot item" projects are complete and now it's time to get back to the grind of getting everything even better.  Pretty happy, pretty tried.  Loving it all.


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