

Such an ephemeral thing. 

I'm pretty much drowning in home repair right now.   I have a siding project that is waaaay behind, I'm getting rained out which is the only reason I have time for this.  I've spent the last few days catching up on two weeks of biz, emails, and computer work.  Thankfully I've been able to keep on top of things so I'm not completely buried, but I haven't had a moment to blog in weeks (months?).  Which is kind of sad.  I know people read it, I am enjoy doing it, but damn... priorities.

Anyway... whilst I would rather be siding my house, 10 days of 98+ degrees does tend to kick ones ass.  I spent the weekend sleeping in very late, although I did have shows Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun which all pretty much kicked ass.   Trying to juggle the bands with the serious labor in the day requires massive hydration.   It's difficult to balance all of these things.  Plus the loopfest season has quickly raged into high gear.    Applications are coming in, I'm listening to performers as I write this.  Although this part of life is awesome.  Crazy new music and getting stuff done is where I like to be.

It's getting harder to select acts.  So many repeats, lots of new artists with crappy production, lots of new artists with great production but lacking the creativity of the crappy production artists, but which will be the right fit for the fests....oy.  I've already selected some, rejected some, trying to get dialogue doing with others.  Pretty manageable right now.  Could get worse though.

My poor wife is mostly ignored.  She's already off to bed.  I'm either outside sweating a small river on the house or gone or on the computer.  Of all the people that pay the price for the LoopFests, she's the one that suffers the most.   I feel bad about that.  oy....

But there is some GREAT new talent coming in that I'm very excited about.  There's new partnerships that I'm very excited about. Web traffic is way up, interest is way up.  The Fundrazr campaign is off and running.  Not sure how that'll go.  It's usually good for generating a lot of paypal donations, but the campaign itself doesn't generate a ton of dough.  It's a weird thing...

The bands are rocking.... Jean-Pierre and the Zydeco Angels had LONG season this year.  And we've managed to keep some gigs trickling along through the summer with some going into the fall.  That's new and cool.  La Chichada is shooting for a CD release, but I've had to cool it with them until the house is finished.  West Kings Highway is picking up nicely.  Gigs are rolling in, getting some nice festival work, getting some double bookings for our Fridays.  And I really enjoy the guys and the music.  My own looping project is picking up some regional festival work.  That's super cool and I'm getting back on the touring horse a little. 

I'm pretty happy with things overall, just trying to turn it all into a living wage.  Streams are way up, which is good.  Still got a lot of things to get settled between now and a month from now, but I feel pretty comfortable with it.  We'll see how it goes.  It's gonna be a a make it or break it year.     Time to sign off.  Lots of stuff to fix in the morning. 


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