
What a crazy day....  I just finished my final weekend at Six Flags.  And I was toasted.  I was out late on Thursday after my gig at Boneshakers.   Got to talking with Phil and Blanca; and chatted for much longer than I intended to be out.  Then it was up for a music-filled, noon-6 shift in 104 degree heat.  Somehow, I got it into my head I didn't need much sleep on Friday either.  Ended up watching movies and having one cocktail too many.  Saturday morning came way too soon and with a slight headache.  But it was only 102 that day for my 6 hours in the sun.  Got done, came home, ate dinner and went off to my 9:30pm-1:30am gig that night at a bar on the Westside.  I was in bed shortly after 2:30am and then it was up and at 'em for the final shift of the season.  A mild and pleasant 99 degrees.  Got home, planted myself on the couch and ate and drank until bedtime. 

Monday was up early and hitting the computer hard.  Got a TON of work done on the NW LoopFest.  Got some new graphics uploaded courtesy of our first sponsor!    Got most of the bios in and posted. Got the tech sheet over half way done. Finished booking all of the artists. Got links from everyone.  Had a chat with a lady who will film the fest. Sent off some inquires for fest support.  Booked some tour gigs.  Booked some local gigs and Rico Reeds sent me a nice email, saying they'll send me some reeds!  Yay more sponsorship!  The day melted away faster than I could imagine.

A little tired today, which is odd. I wasn't up late and slept well.  Oh well... need to do some domestic stuff, car stuff and practice for Friday. Got a funky trio gig in Houston. 

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